Saturday, 14 May 2011

What I've been up to lately...

Been gaming quite a bit in the last couple of months since my last blog, also been on a trip to Chicago to see one of my oldest friends which was amazing.

In terms of gaming, I have picked up the following - Shift 2, Dynasty Warriors 7, Brink, Lego Star Wars III and in the next couple of days I will have LA Noire! should be fun..

My thoughts on the mentioned games:

Shift 2 - Has some improvements over Shift 1, however, the level cap is set way too low at 20, which I achieved within maybe 8 hours of playing, and I was only 24% through the game. Also, mastering corners used to be a challenge in Shift 1, now you can do it, just by creeping round the corners at 5mph and as long as you stick to the racing line, it gives you the mastery for that corner. Apart from that, its a solid racer!

Dynasty Warriors 7 - A good button bashing hack n slash game, lots of customisation options, and all in all a good game you can pick up and play for half an hour

Lego Star Wars III - I love the Lego star wars games, but thats because I'm a star wars fan anyway, and this game was the last one I reviewed over at Plenty of levels (60) Plenty of Characters (100+) and quite a bit to do, that will take well over 30-40 hours to complete it 100%. A great game and a must for Lego games of movies

Brink - I am currently writing a review for this and as it stands, I am enjoying it.. There are some issues with it, but overall I think it is not a bad game

LA Noire - This will be epic if the hype is to be believed, and Rockstar didnt let me down with Grand Theft Auto IV, or Red Dead Redemption so I have high hopes for this!

Thats all from me, bye for now