Sunday, 3 October 2010

Halo Reach

I wasn't drawn in by the hype of Halo Reach, I just wanted it for something different to play online.

I've played about 5-6 missions of the campaign and I'm playing it on normal. The graphics are good, the story is a bit vague at the moment but I know that it will improve the further I I'm looking forward to putting more time into this.

I ventured into the online mode and went into Matchmaking and did a team slayer (basically, team deathmatch) and I got confused by the controls (as I was used to Modern Warfare 2 controls) so every time I wanted to Zoom, I threw a grenade and every time I wanted to Melee someone, I zoomed in, and inevitably got killed... However, once I got to grips with the controls, our team won, and I was the top killer on our team with 18 kills... So all in all not a bad first match.

I've not actually put too much time into Multiplayer, but I will, although everyone will be insanely good at it already so I will probably get pwn'd pretty badly...

I'd give Halo a 7 out of 10 so far.

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